Campaign Overview
Before there was the Lincoln diocese. Before there was even the city named Lincoln. Almost from the very beginning of Seward, Christ called upon the residents of the area to gather, teach and grow their faith.
Obedient to His calling, the parishioners followed the leadership of Father William Byrne, and his successor, Father P.N. O’Brien and began to build our first church and the surrounding Catholic community. The sacrifices it took to raise the $2,500 needed in 1876 (nearly $1.2 in today’s value), is humbling. Driven by their generosity, faith and perseverance, these early families formed a strong bond, with a united commitment to grow and spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. All throughout our nearly 150-year history, we’ve faced trials and challenges, but one thing has always remained true…When called to act and serve, our faithful parishioners have followed through.
Over the years, the leadership of St. Vincent de Paul Church and School has used their vision and faith to guide our community. Whether that was building on additions to the original church in 1910, or accomplishing a major church renovation in 1949, or the purchase of 20 acres of land by Father Petrus in 1962, and the subsequent building of our current church and school ten years later by Monsignor Reisdorff. And now it’s our turn.
We have prayed, listened, and researched what our church and school need. After many years of discussions, it’s clear that the biggest need we have is to Gather and Grow. This capital campaign will help St. Vincent de Paul build new gathering spaces like a renovated social hall, an informal meeting area in the Narthex, a Family room, a new Bride’s room, and a spacious Commons area for various activities and events. Also, we are building additional nearby bathrooms for more convenience and safety for all those attending Mass. And we’re literally growing our space, with new additions that will free up space for more efficient and convenient parish offices, CCD and school classrooms, and provide a more focused and secure campus.
Our parish leaders have always had the vision and faith to set a strong course for the future of our parish. Building upon that vision, we are re-forming St. Vincent de Paul parish to meet the needs of today, as well as the next 100 years. Please browse through the information on these pages and see the benefits of this campaign, and how you can become involved.
Let us gather closer together and grow as a united family again.